Summer has been incredibly busy with art shows, art exhibitions and teaching. I have somehow let time slip by on updating here but sometimes you have to set your priorities just to keep on track.
I started in June with shows in Dorset, Nisswa, Moose Lake and Hackensack, all in Minnesota. All events were great and I met a LOT of new people!
Hackensack I achieved First Place for Best in Show which was great since this was my first year there.
In June, I entered the Salute to the Arts Exhibition at The Crossing Arts Alliance in downtown Brainerd and received first place for my Opposing Views below
I can't even begin to say how honored and excited I was, and still am. There was so many beautiful works of art there that I know the judging had to be a tough one.
I then also entered the 2019 Biennial Juried Exhibition this summer with my Reach for the Stars giraffe and received "Honorable Mention"
Again, I can't say how excited I am.
The fall will bring new events as I will post quite soon. Thank you all for all of your support and love for the arts!